Entertaining Kurt Chrisford Entertaining Kurt Chrisford

Chili Cheese Bread

Chilli and cheese have been mates since way back.  Ready in less than 1/2 an hour this chili cheese bread is an alternative to the classic garlic bread.  Adjust the chili dependant to your preference.

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Entertaining Kurt Chrisford Entertaining Kurt Chrisford


Serve this classic Italian antipasto favourite for friends who drop in unannounced!   A sweet combination of delicious bread, tomato, red onion and a drizzle of olive oil . Although it may seem like just a slice of garnished bread, it is actually one of the most flavourful, enjoyable dishes in the Italian repertoire. Simply perfect bread magic! 

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Entertaining Kurt Chrisford Entertaining Kurt Chrisford

Mezze Platter

Entertain friends and family with this popular BBQ dish.  Pile up all your favourite antipasto ingredients serve at your next BBQ or as a weekend treat!

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