Berry Choc Lamington Trifle

Time: 1Hr
Servings: 8-10
Difficulty: Medium


  • 3 Brumby’s Lamingtons, cubed (Keep desiccated coconut that falls from the lamingtons for garnish)

  • 250g raspberry-flavoured jelly crystals

  • 250g raspberries

  • 100g blueberries

  • 2 bananas, sliced

  • 100g instant vanilla pudding mix

  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder, sifted

  • 450ml milk

  • 600ml thickened cream

  • 1 Tbs honey


  1. Prepare jelly according to packet instructions. Allow to cool slightly. Pour jelly into a 4L capacity trifle bowl. Carefully drop in half of the raspberries and half the blue berries. Refrigerate for 6 hours or until set.

  2. Place pudding mix, cocoa, milk and half of the cream in the bowl. Whisk on medium speed for 1 minute or until mixture is thick and smooth. If using a hand whisk, whisk for 2 minutes. Then place the rest of the cream in a bowl with a TBS of honey and whisk for 2-3 minutes or until soft peaks form. If using a hand whisk it can take a bit longer, just watch carefully for those peaks so you can rest your arm.

  3. Layer banana over set jelly, then layer the lamingtons. Spoon over pudding mixture. Dollop over cream mixture and decorate with remaining raspberries, and blueberries and sprinkle with any desiccated coconut that has fallen from the lamingtons. For best results put it back in the fridge for an hour or two so the lamingtons can soak up all the goodness.

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